
Empowering Busy People To Achieve Extraordinary Results With Simple Proven Solutions That Work!

Start Your Journey to the Best Version of Yourself Regardless of Where You Are Starting From or How Many Tries You Have Tried and Failed in the Past.


The Ultimate You Project

The Unstoppable You Project

Total Body System

In The Fast-Paced World We Live In, Finding Time For Personal Growth Can Be Challenging.

Our mission is to empower busy individuals on their journey towards self-improvement.

Through our customized resources and expert guidance, we will help you prioritize your goals and achieve success, no matter how hectic your schedule may be.

Take the first step towards unlocking your full potential and living your best life with our support and resources.


“How you respond to the challenge in the second half will determine what you become after the game, whether you are a winner or a loser.”

What our clients are saying

The Ultimate Me project is more than a fitness program, it is a ‘whole approach to life’ program.

The mindset mastery sets it apart from anything i have ever done. It embeds positive mindset which then enables success.

The level of support is second to none and Adam McKenzies engagement with clientele is positive, supportive and makes you want to continue no matter what!

Vicki Williams

To make the decision to put myself and my health as a priority… dedicate 5 days a week  , first up every morning my 45-50 minute workout.. has helped me mentally and physically cope with my busy life .. learning that cardio burns calories and weight resistance burns fat , accountability of food and exercise, support and positivity daily from Adam and his team has put me on a path to my best , amazing version of ME !

Wendy James

Adam is the most committed professional, knowledgeable fitness and health coach you could ever have.

I have never felt more welcome, he is always there and ready to help with anything you need weights, nutrition or just a friendly ear.

Adam is an amazing, caring, understanding coach that also doesn’t sugarcoat things.

I wouldn’t be exaggerating by saying that Adam may be the best health and fitness coach around.

Tracylee 💪😊

Adam is the most supportive and caring coach. He’s always there to just check in to see how I’m doing especially during rough times. The best coach I’ve had.

Shanna Turek

Working with Adam was so good.

The support was fantastic and the programs I was given were enjoyable and never boring.

Adam helped me  with nutrition which was always a challenge for me.

I got some fantastic results and feel so much better for it.

Sara Petrov

Fell across Adam and his Training page on Facebook. I generally never answer advertisements on Face book, but l did and can i say it was the best thing l ever did. His program is simple and so beneficial. From improving my physical shape, nutrition to mental health.The continual support, laughs and kicks up the butt when required. This program has taught me alot about myself and that l can achieve anything.

Frances Samuel

Adam is caring, genuine and his no BS approach makes you accountable in every which way.

There is no where to hide, no excuses to make and once you realise that, you will succeed.

This program has been momentous and life altering for me, although at times VERY CHALLENGING its been the ONLY program that I have been successful with.

Fi Hallam

Adam and The Ultimate You Project have brought structure to my training, and a real focus towards achieving my strength goals.  My mindset is very different to before joining the program. I finally know what I’m doing and I’m seeing the positive changes I’ve always wanted. Most importantly, I have lots of support. The FB group members are very supportive of one another and of course, there’s Adam. He’s just always there – helping, guiding, steering. I can’t recommend Adam and The Ultimate You Project highly enough.

Ann Bosco

That first step I made to book the call was the hardest most confronting thing I’ve ever done … but also the very best thing I have ever done !

To actually talk to Adam … a real person…was just amazing, and after the  30min call I felt like we were oldest of friends because of his brutal honesty…and so I put my journey in his hands. I made the decision to invest in ME.

To see the changes that have occurred in my mind and body over the last 9 months is just indescribable.

I’ve now been given the tools to set myself up for every day life…. And I know that I can do this on my own now. This really is the simplest program to incorporate into your daily life.

Adrienne Barnet

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The 90 Day System To Lose Up To 10kg, And Keep It Off, So You Can Have More Energy For Your Kids & Family.

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Stay tuned for some awesome things to come. Already in the works: Retreats, merchandise line and The Process At Being Free book.

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A new line of supplements formulated for success and backed by science. Each product and flavour personally tested.

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